
Monday, March 4, 2013

20130311 Paco Chan 的故事 (二)


所以"聰明"的我開始投資在衍生工具,大概是2011年10月,市場氣氛好差,趁當時就全力去做淡,因為很多新聞數據都唱淡了 (之後我明白,你要去在市場上獲利就不可以看這些資訊,否則你會給別人「催眠」,他們如果那麼聰明或者為人服務就發了達),由於結果愈來愈好,我的戶口
最後 double了,但我沒有搬他們出來用,當時我的concept是認為錢應該放在可以增值的地方,”If it seems too good to be true, it is FALSE" .,如果當時有一個人可以指出我的錯誤就好了,但當時沒有,,終於有一晚恆指高開1000多點,我玩完了,我緊張到不知什麼辨,當晚我就知道我的戶口到明天一定化為鳥有,我沒有說太多,睡完果然什麼都沒有了,我打了一個電話給教會的一個弟兄,他安慰我,之後我不知道經過了多長時間去回復狀態。

日後假如你看到又有某種投資”方法”,說當什麼指標出現,就可以出場,什麼燈號出現,就可以進場。過去照這樣投資,牛市通通參與,熊市都躲過。投資變成一條只會賺錢的道路。你就知道什麼是too good to be true了。 所以TA跟FA 都不太可以用

新一批grant loan 來了,何解我會那麼進取,最重要是我知道這是人生最後一次機會去給我投機,若果這次我都失敗了,那注定我辛苦命,直覺告訴我要去學習,我要用新的方式去閱讀市場。

輸多赢少變成輸赢多,但同時我買賣次數愈來愈多,看市的時間亦愈來愈多,我的人際、信仰、健康等都愈來愈差,只有點名的堂和回校搞活動才可以吸引我回去。我的戶口又回到過去的狀態,如果我當時停手,意味我的投資紀錄是扯平,但當時的我點會甘心? 投資或投機最重要是心態最重要,我一方面恐懼一方面又貪婪,在注碼上永遠是all in,結果當我預期的方向再一次跟市況不同時,那怕是中但如果是遲了出現我都會有損失,即使在兩位高手都會指出,沒有必勝但只有高勝算,長期的錯市令我的戶口,我開始認同我沒有橫財命,因為當我戶口大幅減少後,我退出了市場,市場就展開復仇式反彈... (投機市場就是要迫你放棄,當你放棄時就會去你堅持的一端,反反覆覆,因為在投資銀行坐盤做交易員都是個短命的工作)。

之後我就從此不再接觸股市。 to be con.

Since the market from the fear of the Euro Crisis , ppl can not make profit if you just know trade the stock.

So I started to use derivatives as my main investment at September of 2011. The market experiences a worse situation because of Euro Crisis. I spend almost all my assert to go short the market. I won a 5k overnight. the experience is so great and enhance my confident. 
It seem easy money,right? In fact, it is just like gamble. When I won more and more money, the frequency I trade get higher and higher. It make me anti-social. Why? I spend a lots of time to look at and study the market. Loss is much easier than win. I need to keep trading to reduce the chance to loss money and catch the timing.

However, The longer you stick here, the more chance to loss if you are not mature enough. 
When I have made a decision about which direction the market, I would throw and all in my money to trade. It sound Crazy but it make me won money very quickly. My pool had doubled to 50k within 2 weeks. at tat moment, I found getting rich with no job is possible but... I m not that kind of ppl eventually .

After tat 2 week, I lose my first pool of money in ONE day. The feeling to be loser and lost all my money is like living in a doom day. I take a very long time to recover. When I know the HSI will rise 1000pt which only appear one time since I participle in the market from 2010, I phone to a brother in my church. I said" I have sin. I lose all my money. "At tat time, He show his sympathy and say every one have sin and He admit he is a greedy person as well. But how come I go to trade 
derivatives. I dun know I feel comfort. Although I feel mess about future but I need to face my failure. Then I was prayed by him in phone and take a long rest, a long long long rest....

to be continues.

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