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The Grant Study is part of the Study of Adult Development at Harvard Medical School. |
“Alcoholism was the main cause of divorce between the Grant Study men and their wives."
“Alcoholism was the main cause of divorce between the Grant Study men and their wives."
it was strongly correlated with neurosis and depression
it was strongly correlated with neurosis and depression
it was the single greatest contributor to their early morbidity and death.
it was the single greatest contributor to their early morbidity and death.
IQ 110-115 的人與 150 以上的人所賺取的最高所得並沒有差異
There was no significant difference in maximum income earned by men with IQs in the 110–115 range and men with IQs higher than 150.
There was no significant difference in maximum income earned by men with IQs in the 110–115 range and men with IQs higher than 150.
Political ideology had no bearing on life satisfaction
Political ideology had no bearing on life satisfaction
- 童年時與母親關係「溫暖」的人,平均每年比冷漠家庭長大的人多賺62萬港幣
Men who had “warm” childhood relationships with their mothers earned an average of $87,000 more a year than men whose mothers were uncaring.
Men who had “warm” childhood relationships with their mothers earned an average of $87,000 more a year than men whose mothers were uncaring.
童年與母親關係不好的人,年老後比較容易痴呆 Men who had poor childhood relationships with their mothers were much more likely to develop dementia when old.
在職涯的後半段,童年與母親關係良好的人相對表現比較良好,但與父親的關係沒有影響 Late in their professional lives, the men’s boyhood relationships with their mothers—but not with their fathers—were associated with effectiveness at work.
童年時與父親的關係,會讓成年後的人較不易憂慮,較享受假期,並且在 75 歲時有較高的「人生滿足感」,而這又與媽媽的關係沒有影響 換句話說,哈佛大學花了 75 年的時間研投入2000萬美元經費的研究發現,幸福人生的祕密,就是簡單5個字 『幸福就是「愛」』。
“The seventy-five years and twenty million dollars expended on the Grant Study points … to a straightforward five-word conclusion: ‘Happiness is love. Full stop.’ ”
“The seventy-five years and twenty million dollars expended on the Grant Study points … to a straightforward five-word conclusion: ‘Happiness is love. Full stop.’ ”
維基引申 : en.wihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grant_Study
亞馬遜 : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0674059824/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0674059824&linkCode=as2&tag=linjamiecom-20
維基引申 : en.wihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grant_Study
亞馬遜 : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0674059824/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0674059824&linkCode=as2&tag=linjamiecom-20